Building a community learning laboratory, not as an official place or space, but rather as a mission for teaching and learning, has been at the forefront of our digital storytelling projects. This year we focused on merging two groups; our…
Category: Digital Storytelling
Building a Community Learning Laboratory Through Digital Initiatives
How can digital initiatives help to build a community of life-long learners? How can we build partnerships that create opportunities that lead to new methods of teaching, learning, and digital collaborations? It begins with creativity, trust, and some play! About…
Digital Storytelling in Digital Humanities?
This past summer I taught a workshop for DH@Guelph titled, “Digital Storytelling for Humanists.” It was a course similar to one I had helped teach the year before at DH@CC, the Claremont College’s Digital Humanities Summer Institute. Both workshops were…
It’s here! The Digital Storytelling Guidebook!
After nearly a decade of implementing digital storytelling into 18 different disciplines including study abroad courses and facilitating a range of community-based projects, I created the Digital Storytelling Guidebook. It is filled with information and best practices for faculty…
Raising the Parent Digital Comfort Level
Recently I joined the amazing staff from the Parent Education Center for the Whittier City School District to give a workshop on creating digital storybooks using iPads. My goal is to help parents become familiar with the technology tools their…
PhotoVoice: Participatory Photography as a Digital Storytelling Tool
This semester students from the paired course “Medical Sociology and the Science Behind Obesity” are engaging in a new way to do digital storytelling. The method known as PhotoVoice is borrowed from a movement that aims to use participatory photography as…
Digital Storytelling in Study Abroad: Taking the Show on the Road!
This May we took our ‘show on the road!’ Instructional Technologist, Kathy Filatreau and I traveled to Denmark with professors of social work, Paula Sheridan and Lisa Ibanez and 19 Whittier College students. This study abroad course is designed to…
Destination Denmark: Digital Stories as Pocket Documentaries
I recently found a picture taken of me on a hill overlooking the Krak des Chevaliers in western Syria during a 2003 trip. I am pictured with my video camera, tripod and a bag strapped to my waist that holds brick-like…
Storytelling, Creativity, and Learn By Doing
Why do we tell stories? “To transfer knowledge” replied a student in the Anthro 211 course as he read off one of my slides. Yes, but thinking creatively, how can we make information transfer more story-based I asked? Crickets. I…
The Story in Digital Storytelling (and other digital projects)
Storytelling in Digital Storytelling from soniachaidez I’ve noticed that most if not all of the digital projects that I’ve worked on have one thing in common–there is a story, a narrative that runs through each one. The story, not…