I’ve said it before, the term ‘working mother’ is redundant! Between making sure your kids, the house, your work, and your partner are all taken care of, there’s little time to reflect on every thing you’re doing right. I’m not saying it’s perfect. You do you! Some days you gotta toot your own horn!
Your middle school daughter comes home to tell you that she’s had a talk with her male gym teacher to call out his sexism…”can you believe he said that girls can’t play flag football?!”
You announce that you’re going away on a business trip for a few days and your kids don’t freak out. What I’ve found is that they feel secure knowing mama has a set support system that includes dad, grandma, and close relatives who will help out.
Your kids share your love of old school hip hop: when discussing music with their friends they’re like “Kendrick is cool and all but have you heard Tupac?!”
When your friends come over your kids greet them with “can I get you anything; water, beer, wine, a cocktail?” Look, I’m pouring the booze but they’re learning how to properly entertain company.
When your kids critique your cooking by suggesting your dish could use a little more unagi sauce the next you make it. They can sometimes be picky eaters but they appreciate international cuisine.
When you teach your kid to grind coffee beans first thing in the morning and start the pot of morning java. Hey, badass moms need their pep!
When you take your tween daughter shopping to H&M (or Forever 21) and you walk out with some bright and loud outfits for you instead. The clothes are likely designed for someone at least 20 years younger– -but you rock them anyway!
When you take your daughter to Supercuts and when they ask how much to cut off the ends she answers “but first, can you put in some highlights like my mom over there?”
Your kids are appalled that you’re going out with your friends on a school/work night and you’re like:
Your kids accuse you of being the mom from “Lady Bird” and you’re like, what of it?
While you watch the nightly news together and unsavory topics pop up you remind your kids that they can always ask you awkward questions because you will give them honest and truthful answers—or at least, not like the answers they’re likely to get on the playground (although the “does Santa Claus really exist” question from a few years ago kinda backfired.)
You yell at your kids for leaving their clothes EVERYWHERE, not picking up wet towels, spending their lunch money at the ice cream truck, fighting with each other every.single.morning…but then you give the best mama hugs!