I am the Instructional Media Designer and co-coordinator for the Digital Liberal Arts Program at Whittier College. I build programs and projects that blend pedagogy with digital technologies. I teach digital storytelling as a pedagogical tool to engage students in higher order…
Finding Community Through Digital Literacy
“Que viva la mujer! Que viva Whittier!” exclaims Maria de la Luz while speaking about her photo featuring a group of women who have bonded over hikes in Turnbull Canyon. “We leave our troubles on the trail and we like…
This is 40 or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Give Less F**ks
Last year when I turned 40 I thought I would feel different. Closer to middle age (whatever that means), older, wiser, mature. It’s just a number…or is it? Well, I don’t feel the same way I felt at 20 or…
PhotoVoice: Participatory Photography as a Digital Storytelling Tool
This semester students from the paired course “Medical Sociology and the Science Behind Obesity” are engaging in a new way to do digital storytelling. The method known as PhotoVoice is borrowed from a movement that aims to use participatory photography as…
Digital Storytelling in Study Abroad: Taking the Show on the Road!
This May we took our ‘show on the road!’ Instructional Technologist, Kathy Filatreau and I traveled to Denmark with professors of social work, Paula Sheridan and Lisa Ibanez and 19 Whittier College students. This study abroad course is designed to…
Work-Life Balance and the Importance of Self Care
I love my job. I really do! There are times however, that I struggle to remain motivated and my creativity is clouded by the many to do lists in my life—from work to home. Last week I took a day…
Destination Denmark: Digital Stories as Pocket Documentaries
I recently found a picture taken of me on a hill overlooking the Krak des Chevaliers in western Syria during a 2003 trip. I am pictured with my video camera, tripod and a bag strapped to my waist that holds brick-like…
Internet Safety or as we say around Whittier: Seguridad en Internet
This semester I am once again partnering with Stephanie Carmona who is the community education and parent initiative coordinator for the Whittier College Fifth Dimension program at the Boys & Girls Club of Whittier. Together we are preparing a series of…
Storytelling, Creativity, and Learn By Doing
Why do we tell stories? “To transfer knowledge” replied a student in the Anthro 211 course as he read off one of my slides. Yes, but thinking creatively, how can we make information transfer more story-based I asked? Crickets. I…
Creating Partnerships in Literacy & Community-Based Learning
This semester I was invited by Sofi Cervantes, who teaches a class in social work at Whittier College to partner with her students and the Fifth Dimension learning program at the Boys & Girls Club of Whittier to help parents…